Thursday, 28 July 2011

Trick To Use Multiple Email ID’s From Single Gmail Account

You may call this as a hack or a trick or a bug in gmail.If you have a gmail ID then you can create and use multiple email ID’s with the single gmail ID .So, there is no need to create different email accounts for registering multiple times on a single website.Suppose ,I want to create two accounts on then I have to use different email id’s for each account but with this method I will be able to register on any site multiple times with single email account.I have tested this trick on gmail account but have not tried it on Yahoo or Hotmail.So the Requirement for this trick to work is
  • You should have a gmail account
Here is the step by step tutorial on Trick To Use Multiple Email ID’s From Single Gmail Account
The basic idea behind this trick is that websites treat email Id with .(dots) or +(Plus) to different whereas gmail considers them same.
My email id is then all the messages delivered to the email addresses such as or or  will be delivered to inbox of whereas the websites treat these email id’s as a different email id’s.So by varying the postion of .(dots) or +(plus) sign you can create multiple accounts on any website.
If u want just send a mail to your alternate mail id with + or . in the middle, it will go to your inbox only. 
So, there is no need to manage multiple email accounts for multiple  website accounts .,

Difference Between Virus,Worms,Trojan and Spyware

We all have heard the terms Virus,Worms,trojans and spyware but only a few of us know the difference between them.We genreally consider everything that is detected by an antivirus as virus but this is not the case.The antivirus not only provides protection against viruses but it also protects us from Trojans, worms and spywares.All these can be harmful to your computer hardware and software.Today I will differentiate all these terms from each other .

Virus:-A virus is a self replicating program that attaches itself to an executable file.When  the file is executed the virus automatically gets executed and enters into system memory .Once it enters into system memory it either searches for other files that can be infected or stays in the background and infect the files that are uses the virus infected program.
Worms:Worms are very similar to viruses but differ in way that they donot bind themselves to executable files instead  to replicate themselves they uses the network.If you find excessive use of your network bandwidth then you may be infected by a worm.So,a worm donot require a user to execute any file for its execution it can work without user intervention.
Trojan Horse:-A trojan horse is harmful program which may seem harmless to the user before its installation but instead it is programmed or reverse engineered to  facilitate unauthorised remote access to the computer.Trojan’s donot replicate themselves.
Spyware:-A spyware is a program that secretly monitors and collects pieces of information.They usually run in stealth mode and cannot be detected easily.Keyloggers is a great example of spyware software.There are not limited to just spying but can also send data to remote computers
Now Here I am Providing you with the list of names of most harmful virus and worms in the history of computers

Storm Worm
Leap-A/Oompa- A
Sasser and Netsky
MyDome (Novarg)
SQL Slammer / Sapphire
Code Red and Code Red II
The Klez

Getting irritated by Facebook sidebar-here is the remedy

I've been facing problem since I installed this sidebar as the friends name remains in the bar even they went offline which not allowing the online member . And many of my friends also having trouble with this. Here is the solution Friends. Just do the following steps. 

1. Click me
2.Click Install button as shown below

3.Log in again and enjoy the chat bar .

I Hope this will help you . 

Friday, 15 July 2011

Berlin Wall of Asia- World's most perplexed Border.

Just spend 5 min, you will learn much more about our country.

        Being an Indian, we Should really know the Berlin wall of Asia, which is in Indo-Pak border. I hope many people might have come across this place, Wagah (mostly all north-west Indian knows this) through media or anything, But this blog will help many new people to know further about our esteemed country. Even though it is  a small villiage in Punjab State, It has the power to give inspiration and patriotic feeling to all Indian by a single visit because it is the only place where fully armed Indian and Pakistan men shaking hands without any sort of mishap. Obviously I added in my list to visit in future

           While surfing in net regarding 13/7, I saw one queer article about wagah, so i wanted to convey the important affairs precisely. Though India-Pakistan border is around 2900Km, the only entrance between Indian and Pakistan is Wagah and it is the village connecting Lahore and Amristar. The road connecting them is called as Radcliffe line. After the Independence, while dividing the country Wagah village was also divided , the west of wagah was given to Pakistan and eastern one was given to Republic India. 

This place is famous because of the retreat ceremony to audience that is "lowering of flags" done by gumptious Indian B.S.F and Pakistan Rangers which has been held since 1959. It is the unusual parade done by both sides aggregating aggression, hostility, petulance and wrath. Men of each country do the parade with proper uniform and turban. Interesting thing I've noted down while seeing one video is the cheering up their own country, everyone shouted  from the heart, one day I'll visit wagah before leaving my breath. 

               If you ever visit Golden Temple in amristar, just visit Wagah border too as it only 30km away . And the timings of the ceremony changes depending on the sunset mostly 4-6.30. I'm sure you will be amazed by seeing this video. India-jai hind 

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Facebook in Google+ Works awesome

If you have a lot of time and information invested in Facebook, it’s not easy moving to a new Google+. Here are a few tips on moving your information from your Facebook account to your shiny new Google+ account. Moving social networks isn’t the easiest thing to do, but luckily there are a few tools we can use to migrate pictures, videos, and friends. Wall posts and messages don’t make sense to migrate between networks so we are going to leave those out.
               More than 500 million user among the 750 million around the world are active in Facebook meanwhile the new arrival of google+ disturbed them too . Some people sticking to Facebook and few moved to google+, and many are in such a dilemma where to go. For all, the answer is Below

(Google+) + Facebook = Google+Facebook

             Everything becomes easy now . Google+Facebook permits you to see Facebook things in the Google+. What you need to do is, simply connect to facebook, and get all the updates from your friends in the Google+Facebook tab, which is near to home button in Google+. See below my fB in Google+.

             An israeli firm has developed this app which permits users to get connected with facebook in Google+ itself. This firm concentrated much on add-on and plug-in but this gained much credit to them. More than 10,000 downloaded this in first day, says Koby Menachemi, Crossrider's co-founder and chief executive.He also added popularity of this reached in miles more than expected.

Only thing you make sure is, You are using either chrome or firfox as it will not work in IE owing to security issues. I installed it and working great and awesome, since it takes not even a minute to install.

Many commented it is a malware, but the company denies and no plans of deleting those comments.I used it and working awe-inspiring.

If you any doubt in working click here  Google+Facebook

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Saving Facebook

Facebook set to surprise on july 6      
           Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg has been involved in internal discussions about buying Skype, according to one of the sources. Another source said Facebook had reached out to the Luxembourg-based company about forming a joint venture.

  I'm very much anticipating for the news i surfed to become true, Facebook is expected to launch a new video chat product, powered by Skype, which works on a browser. Facebook CEO  Mark Zuckerberg arrived into this decision due to the works carried out for Google+, i think.

Earlier this week while visiting Seattle, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg tipped off Seattle press that the company would be launching an “awesome” new product next week that has been built by Facebook’s Seattle team. The press invitations to that event went out today, saying nothing more than “Please join us for an event at Facebook” on July 6.

  TechCrunch suggested that the Facebook chat icons in the invitation will have a lot more meaning. But as far as i concerned neither Facebook nor Skype have confirmed or commented on these reports that are creating a buzz in the online world.

Facebook IM from Skype
The main blemish i found in the Facebook is the missing of Video Chat, But now the solution is arrived. I don't know the technical reason why FB integrates with Skype rather than developing video
chat in Fb itself. Because we cant expect the same result of video chat when integrates with skype.

Facebook has 750 million users around the world and it is the highest by any social network and infact FB is having 500 million active users, whereas skype has 170 million users around the world which includes both active and passive users. If the new FB chat comes into action, Everyone must need to install skype, which is a one more job which everyone needs to do so it may reduce the interest. But this idea will surely increase the number of users in facebook and skype. Skype will get mcuh profit when this new video chat arrives.

But those buzz in the web, didn't clearly say whether new video chat works on the system in whichskype has installed or anyother software is needed.

Google users uses Google's audio and video chats with free of charges and users in America uses the same for chatting with free of cost to Canada and pays little amount to other countries. If this new video chat by  skype+Fb comes, Surely there will be a battle between Google and Facebook to get more internet Traffic. 

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Google+ Vs Face Book

    OMG!! It took a day for me to explore Google+ and here are some interesting things  with the title Google Vs FaceBook. In the wake of Google’s announcement of their new social network, called Google Plus (or Google +), the inevitable question has been  asked: Can it succeed given Google’s poor history with social networking?

                         Pooh, When the most anticipated Google unleased its new Social networking called Google Plus( Google +) whole world started to review it because Google failed its technolgy when it tried social networking with orkut , wave and Google Buzz. What i personally like is Google called it as a project and not as a product. 

            While many have compared the Google plus with the Face book in terms of functions and features, i have a new option. Google Plus is not the new facebook, It’s the grown-up Facebook. Perhaps this makes it the anti-Facebook. Many compares with only facebook,  but in actual  it contains all the attracting features of all social networks. Google+ is both a social layer and a full-fledged social network.Users will find a new navigation bar, complete with new sharing options. Streams, hangouts, circles, spraks are new grabbing features in home page. which leads to the Google+ homepage, where users can access their friend streams, share and edit multimedia, create group video chats and more.

                 In a single line if u want me to answer what is Google+ then this is the answer, Google Plus: Smells like Google, looks like Facebook, tastes like Apple.

              I found the first difference in look is the +1 button in google+ and like button in Face Book. The second difference is in purpose Google +1 is used for recommending a webpage and Facebook like is for sharing a webpage. So  Google +1 maintains a count of these +1 s and I hope will start using it even for giving ranking to search results. Not just that if you are searching for some stuff on Google and if your friends have done +1 it will appear in the search result and you will automatically come to know your friends indirect recommendations. 
This is not just applicable to webpages but also Google Ads. When you do Facebook like, of course it is shared to all your Facebook friends and Facebook like also maintains a count of how many people like your page.

           I found many users and friends started to speak Plus button concept is copied from like button of Face Book.Actually it is not.My inital thought is yes it looks like Google has adopted if not copied the concept of recommendation only thing is the purpose is slightly different. Google is going to use this data to actually start giving priority to its search results as soon as this feature stats getting more and more popular.Till date Google decides search ranking based on its Pagerank algorithm.

Advantages of Google +1 to Google:

         To recommend a person will have to create Google account so increase in accounts is one thing. Google has also included Ads in plus one. People will think these Ads are more genuine and hence go ahead and click them in turn increasing Google's revenue. A more human way of indexing and not totally based on non human AI based smart Google algorithm. A big advantage that Google has over Facebook at the moment is that it already supports a rich ecosystem of mobile games through the Android platform. Even though Facebook easily has the most popular smartphone apps in the world, it hasn’t been able to make as many in-roads in terms of becoming a platform for third-party mobile apps. The company is prepping an HTML5 platform for mobile applications, but it’s too early for me to tell if this will work.

           Indirectly it ll surely affect other search engines and e-mail site because if anyone want to in google+ obviously they should have a google Account so it gives more revenue and popularity. The attracting feauture in Google is fast chatting, removing history of chats and video chats which will surely grabs the users and gains populartiy when games and Google+ mobile comes which is coming soon.

Google+ : The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good:
  • Better Privacy,
  • Huddles,
  • Hangouts,
  • Media,
  • Mobile,
  • Integration of various google products,
  • gmail Notificatios

The Bad:
  • complexity to understand for new users,
  • invitation,
  • people and circles if multiple profiles,
  • chat-only connected with contacts

The Ugly:

  • The Name Google +.

Friday, 1 July 2011


Wow, Now the war has begun!! like twitter, facebook buttons in the share portion on web, the +1 button are positioned to grab the users to google. Google has unveiled its new social networking tool Google+. After i signed into google+ i found confounding things like streams, circles, sparks, hangouts etc...and my mouse rolled by for two minutes and i found google+ contains the important features of twitter and facebook, which leads  real-life social interactions. By using this Google Plus for a day i came to know what is google+.

  • It is a social networking service in beta phase, in which users can join by invitation only
  • Social circles allow selective interaction; the number is unlimited
  • Web conferencing option for up to 10 participants
  • Instant upload of photos, pictures on Google+
  • ‘Huddle’ turns different chats into a group chat
  • Google Plus would soon release mobile applications for Android and iPhones
         I found Google, however, has its work cut out. Facebook leads the global social media networking pack, with nearly 750 million users (including 500 million active users), followed by LinkedIn (around 100 million), Twitter (around 75 million), the 100-odd million Orkut (Brazil and India accounting for most users) and MySpace, with 30 million-odd users. I think the main reason for this new social network fromm google is owing to the failed attempt of orkut, waveand google buzz.
         Just one day after its announcement, tech world is busy with Google+ project's review. The big question is, Will it can beat Facebook?. For those who are worried about the security issues in Facebook, Google+ is the answer.