Sunday, 29 December 2013

Dream your Dreams and Dream above your Dreams...

  Dream bigger and pragmatic. There is no wait and obstacle in dreaming high and big. People have always an attitude of dreaming within their limits. Winning 1Cr lottery or 1 lakh salary paid job. Why don't people dream that they won 10,000Cr lottery or got 5lakh job or becoming president of US? Will police catch them next day morning for dreaming of winning a 10,000Cr lottery? 

  Dreams will become the touchstones of our character and Our character will become the measure of our dreams. Ordinary people dream what they can achieve, but only Successful people dream big. Mahatma Gandhi dreamt big about an independent India. At that time, people did not believe in his dream because it seemed impossible. However, he was determined and never gave up. Because he dreamed big, he managed to reach his goal.

  Absolutely everyone in our childhoods would have dreamt of becoming scientists or pilots or detectives or astronauts. But how many are chasing the dreams to make it success? In our childhoods, We were encouraged to dream high on what we would want to become. As the time rolls up and getting matured, the same people will tell us to suck up the dreams and look after our career and face reality. Eventually the high schools and colleges will make you to focus on the profession courses depending on the scope. 

  We lock up our childhood dreams, which have now evolved into something more concrete, in a silent corner of our heads and we swallow the pass-code key. We throw away our creative hats and bow our heads, now to crack the board exams, now to pass the entrance exams, now to make it through college, now to land in a good MBA school, now to fight for the best ‘package’, now to settle down aka get married and have kids. However at some point of our time in life, we may look forward to the key which swallowed unlock the dreams.

The question was once asked of a highly successful businessman: "How have you done so much in your lifetime?"

  He replied, "I have dreamed. I have turned my mind loose to imagine what I wanted to do. Then I have gone to bed and thought about my dreams. In the night I dreamt about my dreams. And when I awoke in the morning, I saw the way to make my dreams real. While other people were saying, 'You can't do that, it isn't possible,' I was well on my way to achieving what I wanted." As Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the U.S., said: "We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers."

  Lets make a resolution to look forward with a great passion to make our own dreams reality. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty and visual aspect of their dreams. Often times we walk away from our dreams afraid we may fail, but at the end of our journey, We aren't going to regret the things we've done but only the things we did not do. Even though the world may laugh at people who dream big, it is not an excuse for staying within one’s comfort zone. To be successful, one needs to take risks.
"Dreaming big is the first step of success..."
I just want you to remind again, So many of our ancestors dreams at first seem impractical, then they seem improbable, and then, when they summoned the will, they soon become inevitable. Where there is a will, There will be a way always. 

Sunday, 10 March 2013

The lesson of Prodigal son - Repentance.

Parable of Prodigal Son
This is the gospel dated 09-03-2013. I could say, One of the best masses I attended ever. I have been coming across this story since my childhood, but today is the day I understood the meaning of the story well. I should say a big thanks to Rev father anon, Perungudi, Chennai. Parable of the prodigal son is the longest parable in the gospels. What is the main point or focus of the story?

The Parable of the Lost Son :

11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. 13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.25 “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 27 ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’ 28 “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’ 31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’

Inference : 

  • " Father, give me my share of the estate.". The words, 'Give me' shows the selfish of the son. We are also committing the same.We ask for the God's presents, but not the God's Presence.The fact that the younger brother instigated the early division of the family estate showed a rebellious and proud disregard for his father's authority. Whenever we sin against him, we are disgracing the kingdom of Heaven.

  • "younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth"- Even at times We go far from the God's presence and  till we get any trouble we will not turn back. A wasted hour or wasted day or wasted life is a tragedy like how the young son wasted his wealth.We were created to serve and worship God. When we choose to ignore this, we are going far away from his purpose.
  • Famine : "After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine". This is what happens when we give our whole life over to serving ourselves and going away from him . We will end up missing out on so much. We lose the blessing of our Heavenly Father. We waste our lives, and we become trapped and enslaved to our own sin. 
  • Poverty : "to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything." it reveals that he had fallen as low as he could possibly go. This son represents a person living in rebellion to God. Sometimes we have to hit rock-bottom before we come to our senses and recognize our sin.
  • Spiritual Awakening : "he came to his senses" It is the same realization we all should come to when our hearts cry out "God, I’m guilty. Please forgive me”.
  • Repentance - "I will set out and go back to my father and say to him" He does three things: "accept," "arise" and "say." These words show us his repentance. Another way of looking at repentance is that it is a change of direction. It is when we have a change of mind and a change of heart about sin. Then that change in our heart produces a change in our actions.

  • "make me like one of your hired servants". "Make me." Those are beautiful words! They are words that show that his cry has changed from "give me" to "make me." He is showing his desire to come under the authority of his father and leave self behind. Jesus wants us to look at our own hearts and ask, “Am I saying, ‘give me’ to God, or is my response ‘make me?"
  • "God is a loving Father". He had been watching for him all this time. God waits and watches for us while we are separated from Him. Remember it is only our sins that keeps us from Him. When we come to Him in true repentance, He sees us and has compassion on us, and He runs to us with hugs and kisses. What great love! No matter what our sin has been, when we truly repent, God our Father receives us this loving way. He will completely forgive us and remember our sins no more.
  • "Bring the best robe, Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate." He offers us everything in his kingdom, restoring full relationship with joyful celebration. He doesn't even dwell on our past The robe signified that he was the guest of honor at the banquet. The ring was given as a symbol of his authority,
  • " For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." What priceless words for a father to say to a child! He is going to celebrate because this is his son, restored to him! Our Heavenly Father loves us very much and wants us to come to Him no matter what we may have done.

  • The son felt the father was unfair, totally unjust, and even foolish. "How could you do this to me?!" Not once did the elder brother show the slightest hint of  joy for his brother returning. He was irate, nearly in a rage about this welcome home party. Yes, legalism hates grace, because grace forgives on the basis of love and not performance.Can you accept it? God is love. He is the lost sheep .we see that the elder son is clearly a picture of the pharisees. In their self-righteousness, they have forgotten to rejoice when a sinner returns to God. Bitterness and resentment keeps the older son from forgiving his younger brother. It blinds him to the treasure he freely enjoys through constant relationship with the father.

Question of Reflection :

In this parable Jesus gives a vivid picture of God and what God is like. God is truly kinder than us. He does not lose hope or give up when we stray. He rejoices in finding the lost and in welcoming them home. Do you know the joy of repentance and the restoration of relationship as a son or daughter of your heavenly Father?Who are you in this story? Are you a prodigal, a pharisee or a servant? Are you the rebellious son, lost and far from God? Are you the self-righteous pharisee, no longer capable of rejoicing when a sinner returns to God? Maybe you've hit rock-bottom, come to your senses and decided to run to God's open arms of compassion and mercy? Or are you one of the servants in the household, rejoicing with the father when a lost son finds his way home? Decide your answer, who you are? 

From the day 1 ever since it was created, everything has changed except the mind of Human. Still Mind of Human is filled with pride, covetousness, greed, ego, arrogance,  hauteur, sins, anger, envy and jealous. Until we change our mind and ask repentance, we shall enter into the kingdom of God. Our sacrifices, lent fasting, offerings will not give you perpetual life but only repentance. He is ready to accept you, will You ready to ask repentance by heart not by words?  

"Lord Jesus, may I never doubt your love nor take for granted the mercy you have shown to me. Fill me with your transforming love that I may be merciful as you are merciful."

Have Peace in your life
Joachin Joseph 

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Transgenders - Aren't they Humans ? Are we Humans?

Transgenders...!!! Aren't They Human Being? But we exalt and laud ourselves to be so, isn't ?  

Yesterday when i was travelling in bus back from office, I was happened to see a transgender female, who got into the bus. She acquired everyone's attention on the bus, No!, It is correct to say Everyone turned their attention to her as if like an alien. I was sitting in last but one row of the bus and that girl was standing in the middle of the aisle and the bus was almost crowded. The Incidents happened over there disturbed me a lot. Those memories were coming into my mind after getting out and when I sleep and When I woke up today which urged me to write this blog today. 

When she got into the bus, everybody who were standing on the aisle were  started moving away, though she came to bus alone and standing quite. I was able to read her that she is also noticing the incident. I just felt ashamed about our self and our community  IT IS JUST A MEDICAL ANOMALY like some disease and differently abled people. In caste system the society is isolated and unitegrated from others whereas here an individual is being sent out of the nest to no man accepting land. It is much more worse than caste isolation system. 

I just analysed what she would be thinking when others are going away from her in public which was not because of her mistake. Our society, is the society which gives room to thieves, rapists, terrorists and all criminal who can easily live with us but no to the one medical anamolies. One who need to feel ashamed can walk with pride, One who needs to treat commonly gets cornered. That is world, and we are also the part of this world.

In India, They are called with many names but not with thier names and they are Trans-woman, Trans-man, Trans-gender, bigender, genderqueer, cisgender, cissexual, hijra, kojja, thirunangai, ali, aravani, paavaiya and the name lists has no end. We are not willing to know the original name but we are more curious to say them on any one of the mentioned. 

The problems they face are countless.They live in the margins of the society and their names are used in derogatory manner.  Many get their income from performing at ceremonies, begging, or sex-work.  Violence against them are myriad.  they face extreme discrimination in health, housing, education, employment, immigration, law, and any bureaucracy that is unable to place them into male or female gender categories. Since they don't get proper money to run their life and live commonly  sometimes they  often encountered on streets, trains, beaches and other public places demanding money from people. If refused, they may attempt to embarrass the man into giving money, using obscene gestures, profane language, and even sexual advances, But the cause for this aren't We? can't 

It is high time to ask the question. Can't they live normally and achieve success?The answer is they can do, but we are not allowing that as we are perfect in everything. So I surfed and am here sharing the one of the successes story here. 

First transgender entrepreneur- Kalki 

Kalki Subramaniam is a journalist, writer, actor, activist, and transgender. She holds two masters: in Journalism and Mass Communication and International Relations. Now, she is an entrepreneur.

"I am from a middle class, well educated family in Pollachi, Tamil Nadu. I had a very difficult childhood; rather I would say I had no childhood at all. Today when I see children, I long to go and play with them. Because of my gender identity, I was discriminated against and ridiculed; I was so feminine. From 6th standard to 12th standard, I could not mix with anyone. The rejection hurt very badly.

I came out of the rejection by reading a lot and studying really hard. From the age of 16, I started taking hormone tablets and from 21, I took female hormone injections. At 23, I had an operation and changed my sex completely. I had earned the money from my work at an MNC and went for the operation to change myself.It is because of my education and work that I could live an independent life.

Though my family tolerated me, they did not accept me. But later, after I proved myself and became famous, I was accepted even by my relatives, and today, they are very proud of me. They respect me a lot for what I am. I wanted to be an actor, and I became one. I wanted to be a writer, I became one. I wanted to be a social worker, I became one by starting Sahodari for my community. I would say I could do whatever I wanted to. Now, I am an entrepreneur." says Kalki. 

Kalki, your mental strength is so rigid and amazing, which will inspire many transgenders. Transgenders are ready for accepting the development but are we providing any arena for development? I know it is difficult to change the society all at now but who will start the change if not we? If we don't avoid them then that will be first success in the change. They may have sexual disorders that is their problem what is the problem to us? If I(you) individual don't change then how can we expect the society to change. I am not sure about the impact of this blog, but at least make some decisions today. Try to speak positive about them, try to find the name of the individual than calling them with some derogatory names. They will get as much pain when we are called by our caste or something. If we consider them as one amongst us then only this society will change. 

"When a druggie, a thief, or a rapist is accepted as part of his family and the society, why can’t people accept us? You accept your brother if he climbs out of a filthy drain, but you never accept us. Are we that bad? We may have the wrong body but our soul comes as pure as any other of God’s beloved creations. You can’t give us love, but what about some respect?”- agony of a trans-women

God created them, as He created us. They are born to a father and a mother just like everyone else, yet we are thinking different. Mistake is not with them, It is with us.

Joachin Joseph

Friday, 8 March 2013

Height of achievement - The Man who grew his own forest by himself

Would you able to believe if a man can afforest 1000 hectares  land alone? Perhaps You need to believe. Today I had a thought of writing about any individual  and  so many people conceived in my mind, who influenced the society and shaped the world. But nobody impressed me that much, as many experts would have written  much about them. So I am writing here about the person who needs to be known to every mankind. He, the man can do the things which we can not do, Though we are men. The Man who made a forest, No I will say The Indian who made the forest. He is none other than Jadav Payeng. Most of us would not even come across this achiever. 

Jadav Payeng. An altruistic man from Assam. an Indian, popularly known as mulai, who planted a forest alone, which a normal people can never dream of. Some people do things for their talents or for glory or for power but few would do for the sake of others. He is on top in that list as he did everything for flora and fauna and also for us.  He simply left all the magnificence of the whole wide world, and transcend to a state where none of it really matters. 

All the things begun on the day when river Brahmaputra  had severe flood on the year 1979, which washed ashore a huge number of snakes into banks of the river and nearby sandbars. Since it was an open ground without a tree coverage , all the snakes were died by the time he came across. He was just 16 by that time. 

"The snakes died in the heat, without any tree cover. I sat down and wept over their lifeless forms. It was carnage " says Payeng, now 47. When he requested the forest department for help with planting trees, they told him nothing would grow on the sandbar. He decided to prove them wrong. He was part in developing first 200 hectares, and after the completion of project everybody left him and he left everybody, everything, his parents, and his education. Who could do like this, Just a big salute. However, 

Now the same area is rambling with dense forestation of 1350 hectares It gives shelter to rich flora and fauna. People of Assam calls this forest as 'Mulai Forest'. It is giving home to many tress,our national animal, elephants, rhinos, deer, vultures, innumerable varieties of birds and many others .He has consecrated his valuable 30 years in valuing flora and fauna, which in turn values us and our world.  

Now he is living with his wife and his 3 children in the midst of forest. He has cattle and buffalo farms on his farms and sells milks to live hood. He also revealed more than 100 cows and buffaloes were killed by wild animals . Though he faces continuous problems from wild animals for which he dedicated his life, He is not much worried about it. He is adhering to his passion and keen about it . His next step is to commence a similar venture in other parts of Assam .   

FYI, It will take at least 500 trees to cover 10 hectares. We could not even imagine about 1000 hectares then . Jadav Payeng should be honored as well. Our media should should give some space to these kinda of things which can shape the society. It is not easy these days to find an exceptional person like Mulai. Someone who is genuine enough and compassionate enough – to surrender his life for us. I get a immense happiness in planting a sapling in my garden, then how much he would have got over his life.

Though, He receives some recognition and award, It is our duty to honor him by spreading the news and educating our people what he is living for. And a famous British film-maker Tom Robert went there two years back to shoot one of his films.

It is not necessary for you to be in administrative job or in politics to convey the message, It is just a way of telling. He took his own way. That's why I would proudly call him as a 'Forest maker' than usual King maker. I just simply salute this man and his accomplishments. Nowadays our media is very busy in telling the negatives, It just fails to shows the talents and achievements of many, who needs appraisals and standing ovation. 

He is saying us the message by his life and it is a high time for us to take the message. 

"Nature is having a food chain, which is being followed for millions of years and why can not we stick to it and why there is a big change in that in last 100 years ?". I am not asking you to do like him, but at least two saplings in your home which could give shelter to many and as well as your offspring. By consuming all the natural resources, we are spoiling this beautiful planet for our children. For how long we will keep on talking Green house effect and deforestation ? Let us do something...Think and act wisely. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013 - A Blood donors Database - Indians must read

Oh my God, It could't have been a better website for blood donation and blood transfusion need of India. One of my  roomie told me about this service last Monday and it urged me to surf against it. To be honestly frank, that was the first time I saw this site  and I was totally astounded and mesmerized  by the website and their service. I don't know how I happened to miss this website against my prying and inquisitive eyes as it is in action since 2005, even I am ashamed of that too. I feel pity to say, it would have reached the heights if it was published in Fb Pages. Some of you might be knowing this, but I am somewhat sure that many might have not even come across this website and its existence. I am writing this blog to create some awareness of their service and even, who knows it may save you/your relation's life in future.

Just consider one of your beloved ones or your family member met with an accident and in a big pressing need for blood to be transfused or imagine you need plasma to save your new born child, then what will you do? either (i) you will go to blood bank and request for blood or (ii)you desperately request whoever comes in to your mind to donate. But unfortunately all your doors were closed, no stock in blood bank and people whom you requested as donor are out of reach to donate and your clock ticking. Then what will you do, wouldn't you wish to approach some required donors straight away? YES! You can and You have got Friends2Support. Have you witnessed loss of life for the only reason that a donor was not available at the most needed hour? Is it something that we as a society can do nothing to prevent?  


This website provides you an orbit to find
1)blood donors for your need
2)everyday blood requests, and
3)Registration page where you will able to register yourself as a donor and much more.  

When you simply go to its home page and search with your town/city, you will come to know how many volunteers are already there. I have tested with small villages even, it fetches donors lists.That is quite good isn't ? What I admired from this site is, it was not started as a organisation, simply by some software engineers and even they are taking the site maintenance too. These are the things will make us to think how an individual can change the society. All I could say is it is a free blood donation/need database which all should at least aware of it . 

Their vision is: To pave way for a safer and better tomorrow.
  • Safer, by bringing blood donors and those in need to a common platform.
  • Better, by providing every person what he/she deserves the most, best education.
Their Aim in next 5 years,
  • To be the real hope of every Indian in search of a voluntary blood donor.
  • To set up a well organised infrastructure through out the country to cater to the education of the under resourced by way of maintaining a repository of contributed books and providing as many resources as possible for rural child education.
 Once you got to know about it, Just don't stop right away. Be a member. I am not forcing you to donate here, but driving you to get the awareness how to approach, where approach and whom to approach. We may not get time to inquire when we are in need. This facility comes with us everywhere, They have given us mobile app too for our timely need.  

People will get the blood, only when people start donating the blood, Because We cannot manufacture blood. From my point, Blood is the ultimate renewable source. So Why don't give a try and create awareness to our friends. 

Well Below are some of the facts ans stats given by Pune University, Which will give you a change, I Hope. 

Who can/can't donate blood ? 

Let others benefit from your good health. Do donate blood if ...
  • you are between age group of 18-60 years.
  • your weight is 45 kgs or more.
  • your haemoglobin is 12.5 gm% minimum.
  • your last blood donation was 3 months earlier.
  • you are healthy and have not suffered from malaria, typhoid or other transmissible disease in the recent past.
There are many, many people who meet these parameters of health and fitness!
So be truthful about your health status!

Do not donate blood if you have any of these conditions
  • cold / fever in the past 1 week.
  • under treatment with antibiotics or any other medication.
  • cardiac problems, hypertension, epilepsy, diabetes (on insulin therapy), history of cancer,chronic kidney or liver disease, bleeding tendencies, venereal disease etc. 
  • major surgery in the last 6 months.
  • vaccination in the last 24 hours.
  • had a miscarriage in the last 6 months or have been pregnant / lactating in the last one year. 
  • had fainting attacks during last donation.
  • have regularly received treatment with blood products.
  • shared a needle to inject drugs/ have history of drug addiction. 
  • had sexual relations with different partners or with a high risk individual.
  • been tested positive for antibodies to HIV.
  • How ever you can still be a organ donor, if you want to donate something valuable
Pregnancy And Menstrual Cycle
  • Females should not donate blood during pregnancy.
  • They can donate after 6 weeks following a normal delivery and when they are not breast feeding. 
  • Females should not donate blood if they are having heavy menstrual flow or menstrual cramps

Facts about donors

  • The number one reason donors say they give blood is because they "want to help others."
  • Two most common reasons cited by people who don't give blood are: "Never thought about it" and "I don't like needles."
  • One donation can help save the lives of up to three people.
  • If you began donating blood at age 18 and donated every 90 days until you reached 60, you would have donated 30 gallons of blood, potentially helping save more than 500 lives!
  • Only 7 percent of people in India have O-negative blood type. O-negative blood type donors are universal donors as their blood can be given to people of all blood types.
  • Type O-negative blood is needed in emergencies before the patient's blood type is known and with newborns who need blood.
  • Thirty-five percent of people have Type O (positive or negative) blood.
  • 0.4 percent of people have AB-blood type. AB-type blood donors are universal donors of plasma, which is often used in emergencies, for newborns and for patients requiring massive transfusions
O+ 1 person in 3O- 1 person in 15
A+ 1 person in 3A- 1 person in 16
B+ 1 person in 12B- 1 person in 67
AB+ 1 person in 29AB- 1 person in 167

1. Automobile Accident50 units of blood
2. Heart Surgery6 units of blood / 6 units of platelets
3. Organ Transplant40 units of blood / 30 units of platelets
4. 20 bags of cryoprecipitate25 units of fresh frozen plasma
5. Bone Marrow Transplant120 units of platelets/ 20 units of blood
6. Burn Victims20 units of platelet

Facts about the blood donation process

  • Donating blood is a safe process. A sterile needle is used only once for each donor and then discarded.
  • Blood donation is a simple four-step process: registration, medical history and mini-physical, donation and refreshments.

  • Every blood donor is given a mini-physical, checking the donor's temperature, blood pressure, pulse and hemoglobin to ensure it is safe for the donor to give blood.
  • The actual blood donation typically takes less than 10-12 minutes. The entire process, from the time you arrive to the time you leave, takes about an hour and 15 min.
  • The average adult has about 10 units of blood in his body. Roughly 1 unit is given during a donation.
  • A healthy donor may donate red blood cells every 56 days, or double red cells every 112 days.
  • A healthy donor may donate platelets as few as 7 days apart, but a maximum of 24 times a year.
  • All donated blood is tested for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis and other infectious diseases before it can be transfused to patients.

Facts about blood 
  1. Blood makes up about 7% of your body's weight.
  2. An adult of average weight has about 10 to 12 units of blood.
  3. A newborn baby has approximately one cup of blood in his/her body.
  4. Sixty percent of the population is eligible to donate blood, however, only five percent do.
  5. Blood fights against infection and helps heal wounds, keeping you healthy.
  6. There are four main blood types: A, B, AB and O.
  7. More than 10 tests, nine of which are for infectious diseases, are performed on each unit of donated blood.
  8. Just one unit of donated blood can help save the lives of several people.
  9. One unit of blood can be separated into several components (red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, platelets and cryoprecipitate).
  10. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body's organs and tissues.
  11. Platelets help blood to clot and give those with leukemia and other cancers a chance to live.
  12. There are about one billion red blood cells in two to three drops of blood.
  13. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are made in the body's bone marrow.
  14. Red blood cells live about 120 days in the circulatory system.
  15. Donated red blood cells must be used within 42 days.
  16. Donated platelets must be used within five days.
  17. Plasma can be frozen and used for up to one year.
  18. Healthy bone marrow makes a constant supply of red blood cells, plasma, and platelets.
  19. Some anemic patients require blood transfusions to increase their iron levels.
  20. People who have been in car accidents and have suffered massive blood loss may require transfusions of 50 units or more of red blood cells
  21. Plasma is a pale yellow mixture of water, proteins, and salts.
  22. Plasma, which is 90 percent water, constitutes 55 percent of blood volume.
  23. Plasma helps maintain blood pressure, carries blood cells, nutrients, enzymes, and hormones, and supplies critical proteins for blood clotting and immunity
  24. Platelets are small blood cells that help control bleeding.
  25. Cancer, transplant, trauma, and open-heart surgery patients require platelet transfusions to survive.
  26. White blood cells are the body's primary defense against infection.
  27. There is no substitute for human blood.
  28. Much of today's medical care depends on a steady supply of blood from healthy donors.
  29. Volunteers provide nearly all of the nation's blood supply for transfusion.
  30. Shortages of all types of blood often occur during the summer and winter holidays.
  31. If all blood donors gave at least twice a year, it would greatly strengthen the nation's blood supply.
  32. Anyone who is in good health is at least 17 years old, and weighs at least 50 Kgs may donate blood every 90 days.
  33. Blood donation takes four steps: medical history, quick physical, donation, and snacks.
  34. Giving blood will not decrease your strength.
  35. Aphaeresis is a special kind of blood donation that allows a donor to give specific blood components, such as Platelets.
  36. You cannot get AIDS or any other blood disease by donating blood.
  37. A heart surgery uses an average of six units of red blood cells and six units of platelets.
  38. The average liver transplant patient needs 40 units of red blood cells, 30 units of platelets, 20 bags of cryoprecipitate, and 25 units of fresh frozen plasma.
  39. The average bone marrow transplant requires 120 units of platelets and about 20 units of red blood cells.
  40. Severe burn victims can need 20 units of platelets during their treatment.
  41. Children being treated for cancer, premature infants, and children having heart surgery need blood and Platelets from donors of all types.
  42. If you began donating blood at age 17 and donated every 56 days until you reached 76, you would have donated 48 gallons of blood.
  43. One out of every 10 people entering a hospital needs blood.
  44. The average red blood cell transfusion is 3.4 units.
  45. Females receive 53% of blood transfused; males receive 47%
Just feeling content now that I am posting a good and useful one. So


Joachin Joseph

Sunday, 3 March 2013

How, What, Why to write in 'My personal diary'.? Personal diary writing -methodololy

A diary can be your very best listening and loyal friend. Keeping and writing a diary is one of the most important things in my life. I am the biggest fan of writing my diary. Diary writing is considered to be a very personal form of writing. Even Though, the people all over the world prefers to use Blogs and other Digital formats to write Diary, however the  conventional style of writing in a Paper Diary is still a popular form of expression of one’s thoughts and feelings. It gives you pleasure and feel, when you write in paper with your own hands, because whenever you write with your hands, you will think and feel it for each sentence you write. I started writing two times earlier but failed to continue, but now I am doing it every day, the only reason is I like to write. Now it is gives pleasance to share my opinion on how to start/write diary.  whatever i mention below are my opinion only. 


Why to write diary:
  • The basic rule of writing Diary in is – Write if only if you really feel like writing a Diary, don't just do it for the sake of doing, following your friends or relatives etc. who may have a habit of writing a diary.
  • It is a good activity to look back at life and analyse yourself on the basis of your past.
  • Reading old memories: I cannot tell you how much I love, love, love when I read my diary. When I turn up in a new place or start a new part of my life, I like to write what I want to achieve or my first impressions and re-reading these is so much fun and useful.
  • Get to know yourself better.
  • Creativity
  •  Your life time friend: People will come and go in your life, but He is the best one who can come along with you all the time and to whom you can share everything.
  • Understand that eventually the diary will become your best friend, silent confessor, or witness. You will eventually trust your diary with anything, even your biggest secrets and you will start speaking with him.

 How to write diary:

  •  Doesn’t need to be formal: It is for you. So try to give importance to the content but not to the format and handwriting. But make sure it is legible.
  • A Diary is very personal form of writing thus should be written in a private or secluded place, like your bedroom, study room or any place where there is nobody else is present. It is best to write where nobody can see you writing in your diary. This will reduce the possibility of the other person's attention towards your dairy.
  • Keep your diary secret as far as possible because revelations of its contents may harm you or those persons feeling about whom you have mentioned something in it. For keeping it a secret you can write in a coded form.
  • Most important of all, the dairy should be of high quality paper and written by a quality pen to last the writing a life time.
  • The quality of Diary writing depends upon the creativity, imagination and expression of the individual. Diary writing skills can be enhanced by imagining a situation
  • Write truthfully in your diary. Write about your secrets which you cannot expose in front of others. It can be about your ex-boyfriend (or girlfriend)
  • You can also stick some souvenirs like photos, flower petals or anything associated with what happened that day to be more creative

What to write in my diary:
  • What to write : Simply, Whatever
  • It is highly appropriate to write your diary ‘before your day begins’ and ‘before the day ends’. Writing ‘before the day begins’, enables you to express your emotions about how the day will turn out to be, what you dreamt in the night etc. At night you can summarize the events of your day, you can relate it to the emotions you had in the morning and so on.
  • It is not necessary to write every day. Write only when something unexceptional or interesting happens in your routine life. Uneventful days can be written with just Date and Time, with a line or two describing it.
  • If you are wondering what to write then there is no dearth of what you want to write. The matter which can write can be anything like your achievement, hopes for the future, mistakes, improvements, likes, dislikes etc. Whatever you write, it should be legible and neat, so that when you want to read it later you don’t have to guess the alphabets you have written.
  • It is not compulsory to write every event of the day rather made only exceptional and entertaining details. Writing in detail about everything will make your writing boring and lengthy and will drain your energy.
  • Diary Writing is not just about words. You can also create self-portraits, pen portraits of others; express your experience, hopes, fears, joys, sorrows etc. with these graphics. However don’t overdo it, which will make it more like a scrapbook than a Diary.
  • You can also use some photos, flower petals or anything associated with the happenings you are writing about to make it more and more creative and attractive. If you went to  a theatre to see an interesting movie or a concert, you can paste your entry passes or tickets to make it memorable.
Diary must have(according to me):

  • Date: Date for which you are writing. Follow the same pattern till the last page..
  • Timestamp of writing: Some prefer to write the diary at night, which may become next day. So I used to add this column on every page.
  • Place: This shows where you are writing your diary, and at future you will come to know you was there on that day.
  • Salutation: For effective Diary Writing, one can address his/her Diary as a second person, like ‘Hi! Diary’ or ‘Dear!, Diary’ or one can call it anything like friend, bro or name it like Prince, Tom etc. according to one’s choice. This method is effective because we tend to be more open about our emotions and word formation is easy because in our day to day life we interact in this way. So it’s natural and effortless technique.
  • Authentication: Always put your sign at the end for authentication that you have written it.
  • Heading: A suitable descriptive heading which will describe the entire page or day. Ex: ‘It was a Blessed day’, or ‘got congratulations’, or ‘so disappointed and Hectic day’.


  • Be Dishonest: Do not cheat and be honest, because you writing your words of hearts, and which is especially for yourself. So do not cheat.
  • Keep it Open: Never give your diary to anyone to read or comment. If you have the attitude that someone will read this one day, then there you will not be loyal to your diary. Keep it tucked away from prying eyes.
  • Write it on social media. Try to write your journal on diary, not on online media or social media.
  • A diary should be written for first person, not second or third. (i.e.) you write for yourself about yourself. Ex: I went to my school. (not he went to school)
  • Do not write bluff. Always write truthfully. This diary will always listen, never forget, never judge and nor will it ever reveal your secrets. So do not worry about writing the truth in it no matter how horrible it is.

Problems in writing:

  • Don’t get discouraged: Writing your diary daily can get repetitive and discouraging. However, fret not for a diary provides a record of your life, in only your view, and no one else.
  • Make sure you keep up to date when writing a diary: Always try to keep your diary with you. I used to take wherever I go. Don’t try to postpone the writings. You are writing it for yourself not for any assignment.
  • If you have not written in the diary for a few weeks, then do not worry about it. You can surely put up the new date and give the reason and apologize for it. After all, it is your friend! For example, - Sorry I could not write to you. I was terribly busy.

Fine, let me summarize my advice to new joiner in the club:

Things you diary doesn’t have to be:

·         Neat and tidy
·         Logical
·         Grammatically correct
·         Politically correct
·         Interesting to other people
·         Regular
·         Frequent
·         What you did today

Things your diary might include:
·         A record of events
·         Concert tickets
·         Photos
·         Letters
·         Drawings
·         Poems
·         Thoughts
·         Feelings
·         Ideas
·         Dreams
·         Hopes
·         Disappointments
·         Plans
·         Prayers

Things your diary probably should be:

  • Legible
  • Dated 

A few last things to think about:

·         You can write anywhere
·         You can write anytime

I hope, this will give you some good view for those who start to write diaries, because I was also inspired some article on news paper, but later it became a part of my life now. 

Joachin Joseph