Saturday, 8 March 2014

International Women's day - Nation is strong iff women are strong.

Every year International Women’s Day provides an occasion to reflect on women’s lot, past and present. Each year we do celebrate International Women’s day on March 8th with a re-determination to commemorate the achievements of women, and to acknowledge the special status they deserve in society. The significant question is what difference has it changed to the status of women? Have women become really strong, and have their long term struggles ended ?

Though women have progressed in a number of spheres, yet looking from a broader perspective, the situation remains grim. With respect statistics made by CARE, out of 1.3 billion people who live in absolute poverty around the globe, 70% are women. Astonishingly, two third of the 774 million adults in the world who cannot read is women. The context in the developing countries like India is worse. Women here are still subject to ‘honor killings’, they are still denied their basic rights to education and freedom, and face violence, sexual assaults and abuse. Still a vast number of women do not have their own life choices, and speaking locally, nationally or globally, empowerment is still in its nascent stages.

I strongly believe education is the most possible way to untie the discrimination and inequalities, which can empower the women in society.

"You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman, you educate a generation.” - Brigham Young

Women are the inherent part of the society and cannot be suppressed owing to lack of power and authority. She plays vital role in every part of her life as sister, wife and mother and empowering the society, but still she is living in the chains of problems. With more than 100 International Women's day have gone by, still we could see the inequalities in all aspects around the world. She is the most basic unit of society, She decides how the family should be, her family decides how the home should be, her home decides the society and which makes the nation. So If you want a nation to be strong, Women are to be uplifted. This can be done by educating her, but before education she must be respected by men. Respecting a women is the first step of making a country supreme power. We can see the great difference between developed, developing, and under developed countries in the way they the women. Western countries are considered as a developed one and you can see women and men work shoulder to shoulder in the same pace for the development of the countries. 

We can love her because She is your daughter, She is your sister, She is your lover, She is your darling wife, She is your mother, But We must respect her because She is a women. Every women deserves certain amount respect. Circumstances have been made difficult by those who do not agree. If women were treated equally, women could perform well than men. She has more determination and prioritising skills than men.

"A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. - Eleanor Roosevelt.

Joachin Joseph

Monday, 3 March 2014

Keep Smiling :)

"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of the love." - Mother Teresa. 

Many of us, would have come across this and having bitter experience when meeting a serious guy at first sight, thinking why these kinda people are still alive. It doesn't a matter how big or important you are, It will take days or months to change the opinion one set.

It really doesn't a matter whether you are happy or sad, It will not influence anyone much, but Keeping a smiling face really matters. Keeping a smiling face really costs nothing but your wrinkles. Your wrinkles either show that you're nasty, cranky, and senile, or that you're having a smiling face. People say First impression is the best impression but your attitude of keeping smiling face is the best impression you could ever give on the first impression, that could change many.

It is contagious! Not only a great way for you but for others as well. When people are smiling they are most receptive to almost anything you want to teach them. People who smile are solid magnets for others, a welcome sign, open arms, hope and acceptance. If you could give something away today, try a smile. It opens many hearts, accepts the downtrodden and gives hope to the hopeless. That is the love what society needs now, Can you spare some for others.

Try to have the attitude of keeping smiling face when meeting each other, soon or later that will become your character and people will start liking you more, because hard fact is even the new born child will get more love when it is having smiling face. When I look out at the people and they look out at me with a smile, Then I will get a vague idea that I am loved. That is the day when I have no worries, no problem.

Ever wondered, Why we say "cheeseee" while being clicked ?,  simply because we look better a step ahead to be liked.   Then how great the neighbours would be,  if you have that  smiling  face all over they time. 

Smile - lifts the face and makes you look younger
Smile - The best way to defeat your enemies and makes you successful 
Smile - Releases stress
Smile - changes your mood and makes you attractive. 

Joachin Joseph